Episode 271

Published on:

26th Jan 2024

OTB #271: Which Of This Year's Oscar Nominees Will Give Movie Theaters Business?

Codi, Kyle, and Ken are usually not fans of the Oscars, but there could be one or two titles from their recently announced nominees that could benefit movie theaters. Codi and Ken also take a moment to discuss why there are so many re-releases of previously released films this month and the annoyances that come with booking them. Kyle also gives shout outs to under the radar gems that theaters may want to book.

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About the Podcast

Off The Break Podcast
Movies | Fandom | Fun
Current Movie Theater News, Operations, And Insights From The People That Book The Movies.
Each week Codi, Ken and Kyle breakdown the latest distribution and box office trends, while offering unique and fun perspectives on the current industry news that only exhibitors and those who have to deal with them can appreciate!

About your hosts

Codi Kruse

Profile picture for Codi Kruse
Likes feel good comedies from the 90s and 2000s

Kyle Brester

Profile picture for Kyle Brester
Likes all kinds of movies, but dislikes popcorn